I spent most of Thanksgiving break going back through my school room, lists, and memory for all the things that were really important to have in my house each school year. That was so interesting! It's so fun to look back and see what worked and what did not!

I made a spreadsheet of all my top things I would focus on if I were starting again.

It is so important to search out the items that you know will make you happy in your space, are safe for a variety of kids and levels, and has long lasting value.

You can start simple and cheap and easy but be open to the serendipity of finding the perfect item that will long last with tons of memories connected. This is why I love thrift stores! And also unique shops that have items you may not see everywhere. 🙂

I am attaching my spreadsheet link to my google drive. Feel free to text me if you need it in different format. 🙂

Happy Shopping!!